28 december, 2021
Arctic Challenge 2021 was a hackathon focusing on Blockchain, 5G, LoraWAN, IoT Platform, Edge Computing and Information Security held december 7-9th. It was a hybrid event, with both physical and virtual participants.
The participants were divided into 5 teams that could choose from 3 different challenges:
The two teams The Immutables and DJANGO’s ON CHAIN worked with weather data and blockchains. Blockchain technology is interesting because it makes it almost impossible to distort data. Now the weather data is not particularly sensitive information, but their solution works for any data, e.g. banking transactions. The both teams had similar solutions, but with slightly different technology choices.
NordCoders had chosen a sound challenge. A teacher wanted a solution where you could measure the noise level in classrooms and preschools, and could detect if it was directly harmful, or long-term affected students and staff. They used a sound sensor and compared the sound level with harmful or annoying levels, and also used artificial intelligence to distinguish between different types of sounds, e.g. song from screams.
The last two teams 4everWIN and Team 5 had chosen to measure the capacity in 5G networks, which of course suited TGN very well, since there is a 5G test network in the house. Both teams showed solutions that measured capacity. 4everWIN also had a very simple and user-friendly solution, and had also developed a business case (and set a price for shares for those who want to buy in).
Here you can see the team’s final presentations:
The Immutables
The jury consisted of:
Anja Palm, Skellefteå municipality
Lina Andersson, BI Nordic
Morteza Alizadeh, Luleå University of Technology
The contributions were examined against the criteria:
Visualization – How aesthetic and creative is the visualization?
Usability – How useful is the solution, and how easy is it to use for the target group?
Innovation – How innovative is the contribution?
Business potential – How high is the business potential
Team NordCoders, which consisted of: Fatema Mirza, Wania Khan, Otabek Sobirov, Md Abu Ahammed Babu and Mohammad Newaj Jamil won the Arctic Challenge 2021 with their solution for detecting harmful noise levels. In addition to a diploma, all participants in the team received a Raspberry Pie to continue working with.
The initiative for Arctic Challenge 2021 was taken jointly by Skelleftea Digital Alliance and the projects SSiO, DIT4BEARs, Arctic 5G Test Network, Wireless Innovation Arena and 5G för vård och omsorg i Övre Norrland. The projects are funded, among others, by the European Regional Development Fund.
It was also sponsored by Skellefteå Science City, DF Skellefteå, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå municipality, NUITEQ and other companies and organizations.