2020-05-14 — 15 Detailed Content Blazor

Introduction to Blazor 
In this introduction module, students will get to know the Blazor framework and will explore how Blazor apps run. We will look at web assembly and the link with Blazor as well as the different versions of Blazor. The required tools will also be explored.

Building a full application with Blazor 
The best way to get to know a framework is starting to use it. And that’s what we are going to do in this module. In a hands-on way, you’ll understand how to build a full Blazor application end-to-end.

Understanding Blazor components
Blazor applications are built using components. There are many options to create apps using components, and in this chapter, we will explore the different options. A very important aspect will be data binding which is baked into Blazor.

Dependency injection and Blazor 
Since Blazor is heavily linked with ASP.NET Core, it’s also built around Dependency Injection. In this chapter, we will explore the different options we have to embrace DI in Blazor applications and we will use this to add service classes to the application.

Creating forms in Blazor 
Forms are a very important concept in any web application. Using the data binding features we have in Blazor, creating forms is very well supported. In this chapter, we will explore data binding further and use it to create different types of forms.

Working with data 
Blazor apps need to connect to up-to-date data. There are several ways to do this. In server-side Blazor, we can use EF Core. A better and more scalable approach is using remote data over REST services. In this chapter, we will learn how we can work with remote data.

Routing in Blazor apps 
Using the Router in Blazor, we can customize how we can route to different pages and components in our application. In this chapter, we will explore how the router can be used.

Using the JavaScript interop from Blazor apps 
Although writing JavaScript isn’t needed to create Blazor apps, some features will require JavaScript to be invoked from Blazor. This includes LocalStorage, drag and drop and many others. In this module, you’ll learn how to bring in functionality exposed by JavaScript into your Blazor apps.

Advanced topics 
In this final module, you’ll get to understand many other features about Blazor, including creating component libraries, state management, unit testing…

Target Audience and Prerequisites
This course is intended for web developers. This course expect that students know C#. Previous knowledge of Razor syntax is a plus.